Anchor 1:
There are a lot of television shows out there for kids.
But imagine one that you, a grownup, might actually like watching as well.
Prepare yourself for a trip to Pancake Mountain.

(theme music)

The sometimes strange and often funny place is the creation of Scott Stuckey:
"I started in music, grew up here in DC, was in a lot of bands..."
And music plays a big part in the show, which includes a kids' dance party.

("syrup and butter")

Available now only on the internet, Stuckey is trying to convince a local TV station to give Pancake Mountain a taste -- and a timeslot:
"But we're not trying to fit one demographic, people are always asking is ok for this age or that age..."

("Welcome to Pancake Mountain!")

One big kid with a role on the show is WTOP's Neal Augenstein.
Co-producer Bill Crandall: "Frankly, he was perfect for the kind of arrogant, corporate stooge that we needed for this piece."

("Let's get dancing!")

Brennan Hazelton, WTOP radio.

Anchor 1:
To take your own trip to Pancake Mountain, go to and click on newslinks.
Anchor 2:
Perfect as a corporate stooge, eh? Ok...



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